1. be a .txt file
  2. any missing information: leave the link blank, but keep the line break (examples follow)
  3. Except for the logo: if there is none, put transparent.png to avoid the “missing file” logo*
  4. Run btl/python/ for changes to take into effect

name of logofile WITH extension Name To Be Displayed github repository link linuxbrew install line bioconda install line docker install line Description (can be multiple lines)

if you don’t have a logo, the format would be the following:

transparent.png Name To Be Displayed full github repository link linuxbrew install line bioconda install line docker install line Description (can be multiple lines)


arcslogo.png ARCS brew install arcs

Arcs does something something

The script that will take information from the software blurbs file and add it to software-content.html is in the python folder called

*Place the logo PNG file here: btl/assets/logos/