Meta-NanoSim, ntJoin, Physlr, RNA-Scoop and RResolver at ISMB 2020

The annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2020) is held online July 13-16 and the BTL group will be there, presenting several new bioinformatics technologies developed by our lab and including Meta-NanoSim, ntJoin, Physlr, RNA-Scoop and RResolver.


ID#562 by Theodora Lo at Microbiome COSI, Meta-NanoSim: metagenome simulator for nanopore reads
ID#83 by Lauren Coombe at HiTSeq COSI, ntJoin: Fast and lightweight assembly-guided scaffolding using minimizer graphs
ID#491 by Amirhossein Afshinfard at HiTSeq COSI, Physlr: de novo chromosome-level genome assemblies enabled by the physical map of linked reads
ID#338 by Maria Stephenson at BioVis COSI, RNA-Scoop: interactive visualization of isoforms in single-cell transcriptomes
ID#195 by Vladimir Nikolic at HiTSeq COSI, RResolver: short read repeat resolution with sliding window


COOP student Maria Stephenson will be presenting RNA-Scoop at the BioVis COSI. Maria and graduate student Ka Ming Nip jointly developed RNA-Scoop, an interactive Java application to visualize isoforms in single-cell transcriptomes.

Intern Theodora Lo will be presenting Meta-NanoSim at the Microbiome COSI. Theodora and graduate student Chen Yang co-developed Meta-NanoSim, a metagenome nanopore read simulator.

Congratulations Maria and Theodora for receiving ISCB fellowships!